Sunday, March 19
Photography Exhibition
Not to be missed, beautiful images from an extremely talented photographer!
Two Rivers by Ilene Sterns Photographs of the Thames and cherwell 26 February - 26 March 2006

The Rose 51 High Street Oxford OX1 4AS Tel: 01865 244429
See more of Ilene Sterns photography at hatch-22.com
Wednesday, January 19
Mind Hacks
bloggzen - total immersion blogging technology innovation
"Mind Hacks" Tips & Tools for Using your Brain in the World By Tom Stafford, Matt Webb - Reviewed for Bookzen by KJR
"Mind Hacks" is an excellent starting place for the exploration of the human mind, apparently a very popular interest right now. Curiosity regarding how we think seems in vogue, since so many are reading one of a group of recently published books on the subject. Including "Mind Hacks" there is "The Mind Map" by Tony Buzan and Barry Buzan, "Blink : The Power of Thinking Without Thinking" by Malcolm Gladwell" The Undiscovered Mind" by John Horgan, "On Intelligence" by Jeff Hawkins (PalmPilot creator) and Sandra Blakeslee, and from Steven Johnson, who wrote the Foreword to "Mind Hacks, " there is "Mind Wide Open. " All of these delve into that uncharted land called how our grey matter works and how we can live better lives by knowing more about it. Each of these books has a delightfully different take on the subject, and "Mind Hacks" itself is full of references for further reading. Is it more than just a co-incidence that these books are all out right now, being talked about, blogged about, and voraciously read? Why this insatiable synchronicity of people wanting to know more about how we are made and how we think?
In more classical studies, "Mind Hacks" would be filed under physical and cultural anthropology. And though you will be introduced to words like limbic, cortex and cerebellum, keeping track of technical medical terms is not essential for understanding and learning much from this book. While it seems written for popular audiences, and uses everyday examples to illustrate how we as human beings tend to think, and why, "Mind Hacks" is helpfully structured to take you just as deep as you want to go.
As to whether the mind can be hacked, just ask a songwriter, movie producer or ad exec; though by "hacks," the authors really mean examples, and there are hundreds. For instance, why do we tend to see faces when we look at clouds? Why do we scrutinize other peoples' faces so intently? Why, if we see six of the same thing, do we tend to see the seventh object as the same, too, even if it isn't? Why do we smell chalk when we think of Dick, Jane, and that "silly, silly Spot?" What do we really find irresistibly interesting and what bores us to death? Did left-handed people evolve differently and why do they have more traffic accidents? Why are some people better at math? Why do sunglasses make the world more interesting visually? (It's all in the mind.) Why do people respond differently to the same instructions? And by implication, what is the best way to design a web page? All of this is covered in "Mind Hacks" including which sectors of the brain are responsible, and how the research was done.
"Mind Hacks" is a good starting place for exploring your mind, partly because it would fit nicely with some of the other books mentioned here and in the book itself, but also because Mind Hacks is at the center of an expanding culture of exploration and investigation of mental phenomena,including blogs about "Mind Hacks" and related phenomena (just technorati "Mind Hacks" for instance.) There are the sites of the book's publisher O'Reilly for starters and a page relating to topics covered in "Mind Hacks" about why posting flickr zeitgeist might be a distraction for people who actually want to read your blog, and there is the excellent "Mind Hacks" blog itself mindhacks.com, which does not seem to be accessible from the O'Reilly site. Both authors have their own blogs - Idiolect by Tom Stafford and Interconnected by Matt Webb.
"Mind Hacks" suggests that you can read it sequentially or dive in randomly.
Either way it is an accessible book about some of the curiously strange ways in which we think, remember, and respond, based on how we evolved and what was then and is now most important to us as biological organisms. Even better, it is totally overflowing with examples and simple exercises -- the "hacks" -- that you can do by yourself or with friends. Better yet, buy the book and give a "Mind Hacks" party! Ask your guests to open the book randomly, exclaim on the particular mental characteristic explained on that page, and then put everyone through the exercise or group discussion implied. Like, "How do you prefer your first cup of morning coffee, and how do you feel if you don't get it that way?" Pavlov got it right more than a hundred years ago.
And speaking of Pavlov's dogs, there is much in "Mind Hacks" to suggest that we humans share many of our emotions, thoughts and feelings with other animals, whose brain structures evolved similarly and whose reactions in research are so similar.
Monday, December 20
Wizzo! (iii)
New Year's Eve at Somerset House
For the first time ever, Somerset House will open on New Year's Eve. Skate into the new year in the perfect setting for a glamorous, romantic and fun celebration. Tickets are £20 and entitle one skater to bring a non-skating friend, and also include a complimentary mulled wine/hot chocolate and a glass of champagne at midnight. Snacks and a licensed bar will also be available.
Skate sessions are at 10 - 11pm and 11.15 - 12.45pm. There will be live performers and a display of the very best ice dancing from current British Ice Dance champions at 12.05. The event finishes at 1am.
Suitable for all ages. Somerset House will be open to ticket-holders only. Tickets for New Year's Eve are available exclusively by phone. Call 0870 060 1753 to book.
bloggzen - total immersion blogging technology innovation
London has a new Blog - News site called The Londonist. It is interesting and amusing, more so if you are a Londoner, "Ken" of course is a favorite topic. They have very kindly linked to londonzen.
It also features The London Tomes, a new London-based, animated series.
"We're not going to say too much about it, we'll let you make your own minds up. Suffice to say that there are talking animals, the District Line and the criminally insane".
- Published by
- The Gothamist "a website about New York City and everything that happens in it". Gothamist was voted Best NY Blog by NY Press readers in 2004. The Londonist is the new addition to the stable, there are already The LAist The Chicagoist The SFist The DCist The Torontoist
- Edited by
- Rob Hinchcliffe - Rob was raised 'up north', in the independent state of South Yorkshire. In the late Nineties he defected and has been living in London ever since.
- Euan Mitchell - Euan is a New Zealander living in London and has been about 9 months away from moving back home for the last 10 years.
From Urbino to Rome
artzen - art culture info expo
There is still time to see this wonderful exhibition and the Madonna of the Pinks.
Raphael -The Madonna of the Pinks circa. 1506-7
From Urbino to Rome at the National Gallery London
20 October 2004 - 16 Jan 2005 (Closed 24-26 December, 1 January)
This is the first major exhibition of paintings and drawings by the great Renaissance painter, Raphael (1483 - 1520), to be held in Britain.
- The Making of a Master
Monday, December 13
Christmas Lights @ Harrods 30-11-04
Wednesday, December 8
Jeremy Deller wins Turner Prize
I am very pleased that Jeremy won!
artzen - art culture info expo
Bush video wins Turner Prize via...BBC
Jeremy Deller was born in London in 1966 and studied art history at the Courtauld Institute of Art. Collaboration and participation are central to Deller's work.
The Bats Still from Memory Bucket 2003 Courtesy of the artist © the artist
The film ends with millions of bats flying off into the unknown..........
Thursday, November 25
Battersea Dogs Home Christmas Reception
This is an extremely important event for all the beautiful creatures who are depending upon your help!
ecozen - animals ecology philanthropy
14th December 2004 Battersea Dogs Home is delighted to hold our exclusive second Christmas Reception for our supporters, which this year will be held at the Victoria & Albert Museum on Tuesday 14th December.
The evening will be very special with the chance to meet the Homes' Trustees, staff and of course some of our dogs. Wine and canapes will be served in the Dome and guests will be able to view many exhibits in the Medieval Treasury throughout the night.
We shall be drawing the top three prizes from this years' Christmas Raffle and each guest will be entered into a free prize draw for a brand new Samsung Digital Camera.
Tickets cost £35 and all proceeds go towards the care of the dogs and cats at the Home.
If you would like more information about the event or would like to book your tickets, please call 020 7627 7886 or email the Fundraising Team. We look forward to seeing you there.
Sunday, November 21
London internet woes
I found this interesting photo on flickr, the story about a trip to London is even more so.
londonzen - park life
From Andy Ihnatko's Blog The plummeting value of the dollar has been a Waterloo on many fronts. Do I use the hotel's in-room broadband connection? At...um...eighteen pounds per day? Which works out to about thirty-six bucks? Gosh. Well, how about I just make a dialup connection, just to grab my mail? Let's check the little card tethered to the phone: local calls are billed at holy mother of God 59 pence. Per minute. Or, about a buck twenty per....read more it is very revealing.
Wednesday, November 17
Late nights in London
artzen - art culture info expo
Funnily enough, when I came accross these super late night events at the Victoria and Albert Museum, it just happened that tonight there is a lecture by my former sister in law Nina Campbell, whose new book Nina Campbell's Decorating Notebook : Insider Secrets and Decorating Ideas for Your Home just came out.
Her daughter Rita Konig, is a columnist for British Vogue, contributor to Food & Wine and author. Her new book is Rita's Culinary Trickery: How to Put Dinner on the Table Even If You Can't Cook.
Every Wednesday the Museum is open from 10.00 to 22.00, providing an opportunity to view a gallery or an exhibition, attend a lecture or a gallery talk, listen to live music or just entertain friends in the candlelit café or, in the summer, in the Museum's garden.
Friday Late, Held on the last Friday in every month (except December) the Victoria and Albert Museum is open from 10.00 to 22.00, with Friday Late events starting at 18.30.
These contemporary evenings offer live performances, cutting-edge fashion, music, debates, one-off displays, special guests, bar and food, guest DJs, selected gallery viewing and late-night exhibition opening.
Late View events can be found by visiting What's On.
Sunday, November 14
This seems to be working, it can be addictive...
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Thursday, November 11
RCA Secret 2004
This is a brilliant idea, it raises money for the RCA.
artzen - art culture info expo
RCA Secret 2004
Could you spot a Julian Opie from a Grayson Perry? Take the RCA Secret challenge and you could go home with a mini masterpiece.
Postcards are flooding in for the RCA Secret postcard exhibition and sale. Artworks have been donated by Turner Prize winner Grayson........and many more.
Last year more than 1,000 artists, designers and celebrities donated nearly 2,000 postcards in a variety of mediums, including paint, print, photography, watercolour, 3-d sculptures, collage, pen and pencil drawings.
Once you have bought your cards you can see who they are by and then take them home to enjoy.
Viewing Days: 19-25 November, 10am-6pm daily (23 November: late night opening until 8pm)
Sale Days: 26 November, 8am-8pm 27 November, 10am-6pm
Location: Royal College of Art, Kensington Gore, London SW7 2EU
Tube: South Kensington/High Street Kensington Buses: 9, 10, 52
Tuesday, November 9
fotozen - private view
artzen - art culture info expo
ecozen - animals ecology philanthropy
bookzen - literary reviews

Salgado - reviewed by KJR for bookzen
Finally after twenty years, Sebastiao Salgado's images are being published, as described in an excellent article in the New York Times. Considering himself a photojournalist of the world's less fortunate, the Brazilian photographer uses the camera to bring information to others. He says of photography,that it is only a language: what is more important, is what is being discussed. Though Salgado, like Atget, Cartier Bresson, Ansel Adams, Lee Miller, Robert Frank, and Stieglitz, can say this since the language his Leica produces in his hands is highly articulate.
Reportedly, this book Sahel:The End of the Road, was not published earlier because agents and publishers who saw the images were reduced to tears, and felt that no one would want to buy such a book. Salgado, who has taken photos in Vietnam, India and Africa, responded that it is our moral obligation to understand the fate of the others! So much for spin, design over content, ignoring what is really going on, and Fox News. Perhaps, quite tellingly, the book is not being published in the heartland, but by that bastion of eccentricity (thank god!), The University of California Press, as a joint project between the departments of photography and journalism at Berkeley. Not surprisingly those bystanders to the War on Terror, France and Spain thought the book important enough to be published way back in the mid-eighties. (Is there a connection between that event and recent international headlines?)
The Instituto Terra, a non-profit organization created by Sebastiao Salgado and Lelia Wanick Salgado, proposes a highly innovative approach to Brazil's deforestation crisis. How to help
Power: Auction at Bloomberg, Nov 17th 2004 - An auction of
prints by world-class photographers
Mighty names from the world of art and documentary photography have donated 60 power-inspired prints for a charity auction on Wednesday 17 November at the Bloomberg auditorium in the City.
For the second year running, PhotoVoice has invited world-class photographers to contribute to this prestige event whichwill raise money for its projects around the world. Among the contributors are Sebastiao Salgado, Juergen Teller, Sarah Moon, and Philip Jones Griffiths. Particularly compelling are images of George W. Bush (Larry Downing/ Reuters), Kevin Spacey outside the Old Vic (Nobby Clark) and Yann Arthus Bertrand’s magnificent ariel shot of the Kenyan Savannah. Thomas Hoepker (Magnum Photos) has donated his iconic image of Muhammed Ali from 1966.
Wednesday 17th November 6.30-9pm £10 donation Bloomberg L.P
39-45 Finsbury Square London EC2A 1PQ
Wednesday, October 27
Tea Glorious Tea
Tea is good for us, although I really prefer coffee, a friend told me that coffee is worse for one than tea but too much tea is much worse than too much coffee. So tea is a help in combating Alzheimer's disease, super, red wine is another "Good" drink! Early morning tea was a tradition at home. Nan would have hers in the nursery with the radio on, Typhoo and a Players. Then I followed Nan into Dad's bedroom with his early morning tea, later I would dunk the remaining sugar lumps in the dregs of lemony tea. (given the chance I still do this) Mum always had coffee much later. Then there was tea time. Usually in the nursery with Nan, crumpets dripping with Sark butter, doughnuts, toast and Marmite
. Sometimes Tea would be in the drawing room, Lapsang Souchong or Earl Grey, it was fun, special. My favorite is Tarry Lapsang. Researching for this post I came across this super page, The Tea Page put together by Kai Birger Nielsen there is a very comprehensive page about Tea in London Of course Russian President Vladimir Putin drinks tea. I have always wanted a Samovar
The benefits of Green Tea Don't miss cupoftea.uk.com
There must be a site called tea.co.uk very useful, you can have a tealeaf reading - astro tea This what we need a nicecupofteaandasitdown.com It must be teatimeworldwide.com Tea Quotes Tea trail: Mad hatters tea party quiz Boston Tea Party - Eyewitness Account East India Company Books about tea The Tea Act and The Sugar Act Stash Tea: The History of Tea Tea Time Places The Ritz The
funny thing is that the Ritz is owned by the Barclay brothers who live on the island of Brechou
, which is just a few yards from Sark. Dad used to live at the Ritz whilst in London. I had my sixth birthday (tea) party there, it was super fun we all tore around screaming, I wore a red velvet cape with a hood and a white satin lining. I was given a box of jokes and tricks, one of which I played on Dad who wasn't amused! I also remember having tea in the Palm Court, even now the sound of tinkling water from the fountain makes me want to go to the loo. It may be interesting to do a study and compare it to a tea place without the water sounds.
Their website has a Tea page... You can buy a Tea for Two gift voucher, what ever next! ( today it is £68 so hurry ): Booking at least six weeks in advance is absolutely essential. There is a dress code but this should be no problem as you will have six weeks to get ready! Have your hair done, go to fittings, wear in your new shoes and come back from the ends of the earth. The Ritz, London won the 2004 Top London Afternoon Tea Award Sotheby's The ideal place for tea their cake is very good. Read Hudson's review.
Twinning's At the back of the shop there is a small museum, this charts the history of the family, along with some fabulous examples of tea caddies and more unusual items from the world of tea. - How to make a perfect cup of tea
Monday, October 18
Chisties living with art London
I love this photograph, it reminds me of summers spent on Mykonos, the heat, the sea breeze, I used to call it hair dryer weather.
fotozen - private view
Nude on Balcony, Helmut Newton
Lot 243, Estimate: £3,000-4,000
Living with Art London - The growing trend with collectors, first-time buyers, and the contemporary connoisseur is photographs.
Photographs Sale 9964
16 November 2004, 10:30 am
85 Old Brompton Road, London
Friday, October 15
Royal European Charity Premiere
ecozen - animals ecology philanthropy
Monday 29th November 2004
Odeon, Leicester Square, WC2
7.15pm approx.
Black Tie
The Prince's Trust will be benefiting from the Royal European Charity Premiere of The Merchant of Venice in the presence of HRH The Prince of Wales, and you could be there.
Directed and adapted for screen by Academy Award Nominee Michael Radford, this modern translation of Shakespeare's timeless comedy drama boasts a hugely impressive cast including Al Pacino, Joseph Fiennes, Jeremy Irons, John Sessions and Mackenzie Crook (alias Gareth from "The Office").
The Merchant of Venice follows the fates and fortunes of a group of noblemen (led by Jeremy Irons and Joseph Fiennes) and their interactions with moneylender Shylock (played by Al Pacino).
Don't miss this hugely anticipated film adaptation of one of Shakespeare's best known plays and your chance to join the stars on the red carpet.
Sunday, September 19
Visit the Red Cross Open Gardens Programme
ecozen - animals ecology philanthropy
The British Red Cross Open Gardens programme, established over 70 years ago, offers a rare opportunity to explore the secrets of hidden and private gardens not usually open to the public.
The programme has a most impressive list of beautiful gardens of all shapes and sizes throughout the UK. From hills and vales to inner cities, you can find some rare gems in the most unexpected places.
Open your garden
Would you like to open your garden?
London Open House 2004
artzen - art culture info expo

Saturday, 18 to Sunday, 19 September 2004 Open House Weekend 2004 The annual highlight of London Open House
Have you ever wondered about the hidden interiors of the buildings you pass every day? Every September the annual Open House London event takes place and this year the dates are 18th + 19th September. Over 500 buildings are opening their doors to everyone and turning the capital into a living architectural exhibition. And it's absolutely free!
Free online search facility To find out about individual buildings by name, architect, area, etc., use the Buildings Search page.
The RSA will be open on Sunday 19th September, opening times 10 to 5pm (last entry 4.30pm).
A special Prince's Trust event in The City:
Bridging the Gap
ecozen - animals ecology philanthropy

While The City is home to some of the richest concentrations of businesses in the world, its fringes include some of the most underprivileged boroughs in England.
On Tuesday 19th October at St Paul's Cathedral, The Prince's Trust is holding a special City event that will address this polarisation. Sponsored by Coutts and Co, Bridging the Gap will bring together CEO's and board level Executives of major Blue Chip corporations, key industry leaders and public sector organisations.
Sir David Garrard, Chairman of Minerva Plc and Sponsor of the renowned Business Academy in Bexley, has kindly agreed to address the audience as key speaker on the fundamental wealth/deprivation divide, and will be exploring ways in which City stakeholders can help Bridge The Gap in conjunction with The Prince's Trust.
The evening will begin with an exclusive champagne reception surrounding Nelson's Tomb, and will be followed by a private recital, tour of the cathedral and superb three course dinner.
Booking your place
Tickets for Bridging the Gap are £300 per head. All proceeds will go directly to The Prince's Trust. Through your support we hope to raise a sum that will help us make a significant impact to the skills and employment prospects of disadvantaged young people across London.
To secure your ticket: download the booking form. Print, complete and send it to the address provided no later than October 6th or call Naomi Edler on 020 7382 5137
Tate Britain - Write Your Own Label
See below the painting I chose to write a label for, they are actually my relatives.
artzen - art culture info expo
Would you like to see your ideas about art on the walls of Tate Britain? We're asking visitors to write about any work of art on display at Tate Britain which especially interests them. We'll pick about thirty of the most interesting comments and use them as captions in the gallery.
They will be on view at Tate Britain from 20 September 2004, the start of British Art Week.
Write Your Own Label
The Cholmondeley Ladies circa 1600-10 painting Presented anonymously 1955
According to the inscription (bottom left), this painting shows 'Two Ladies of the Cholmondeley Family, Who were born the same day, Married the same day, And brought to Bed [gave birth] the same day'. To mark this dynastic event, they are formally presented in bed, their babies wrapped in scarlet fabric. Identical at a superficial glance, the lace, jewellery and eye colours of the ladies and infants are in fact carefully differentiated. The format echoes tomb sculpture of the period. The ladies, whose precise identities are unclear, were probably painted by an artist based in Chester, near the Cholmondeley estates.
(From the display caption February 2004)
Note > I am also searching for several valuable family portraits which have dissapeared (they are mine, it's a long story), possibly sold by a dealer to an unsuspecting person or put up for auction with a false provenance. If you have any info I can send photos and a more detailed description. If this leads to anything I shall give you a reward.
One of them is of this chap, although not this actual picture.
Montague Cholmeley (1743-1852)
Also Katharine Cholmeley, full length in a red and blue dress by Lely or Kneller.
A lady with a white feather head ornament.
A lady with a lace collar.
This is a splendid idea
francaiszen - la vie
We at dinnerpoint have done something that we think is pretty unique and groundbreaking. We organize and list online 100s of dinner meetups in cities around the world - for 'in the know' people.
Friday, September 10
RSA - Royal Albert Hall Conference
This will be a super event do go if you can.
artzen - art culture info expo
ecozen - animals ecology philanthropy

On 11 October 2004 an international conference on the theme of 'human progress' will take place at the Royal Albert Hall.
The RSA has unveiled the programme for its international conference, ‘A Day of Inspiration', which will deal with the significant challenges set out in its new manifesto.
The debate will feature a number of high-profile speakers including RSA Fellows and medallists.
Click here to find out more.
Sunday, September 5
Jack Vettriano is a BUY
artzen - art culture info expo
I am so pleased that the art world finally appreciates this super artist. It has been embarassing the way in which his work has been scathed at by certain art "experts" over the years. David Ogilvy once said "The consumer isn't stupid she's your wife".

The largest collection of works by the artist Jack Vettriano to go under the hammer has fetched almost £2.7 million. Following fierce bidding, the total of 40 paintings fetched £2.653m at auction. The highest bid was for Mad Dogs, one of his early works, which become the second most expensive Vettriano ever sold...more...via the Scotsman
See the catalogue of Sotheby's annual Scottish sale at Gleneagles in Perthshire.
Wednesday, September 1
2004 Sotheby's Staff Exhibition
artzen - art culture info expo
If you find yourself in Bond Street do go and see this, there are some quite affordable items. Also you can have a snack at the Sotheby's Cafe, it is small and chic and very good, perfect to collapse in after too much shopping.
"I am delighted to introduce our 2004 Sotheby's Staff Exhibition and to invite you to spend some time viewing the eclectic compilation of works contributed by Sotheby’s employees.
Given the environment in which they work it is hardly surprising that so many of our staff are inspired to be creative themselves. What continues to amaze me is how the breadth of the Exhibition keeps growing year-on-year. 2004 is no exception, with possibly the most diverse collection that we have so far seen." Robin Woodhead
Chief Executive, Sotheby's Europe and Asia
Saturday, August 21
Royal Academy Show cancelled - Citizens and Kings: Portraiture in the Age of Goya and David Sept 2005 too costly for them
artzen - art culture info expo

Much News Is Bad News at Royal Academy By Alan Riding
London - When a museum gets headlines for anything but a new building or a fine exhibition, the usual reason is bad news. So it is with the Royal Academy of Arts.
This year a widely publicized power struggle between two senior staff members suggested a house at war with itself. Then, late in July, the head of the academy's schools was forced to resign for using a secret bank account.
Now the talk in London's art circles is that the Royal Academy has lost its way.........The academy's next big exhibition, "Turks: A Journey of a Thousand Years, 600-1600 AD," opens in January. But "Citizens and Kings: Portraiture in the Age of Goya and David," scheduled for September 2005, has been canceled
because of its expense. Long-term plans for a newly acquired annex, formerly the Museum of Mankind, are also not settled. Some academicians favor creating an architecture museum. Ms. Fitt says the hour calls for prudence...more>>via
Tuesday, August 10
RSA needs you to plant a tree
ecozen - animals ecology philanthropy

From the 1750s through to the 1820s the RSA encouraged tree planting across the UK. Well over 50 million trees were planted giving rise to many of the woods we enjoy in Britain today.
On the 20th April 2004 the RSA launched a new initiative, working in partnership with the UK's key tree planting organisations, to mark its 250th Anniversary and hopes to plant in excess of 250,000 trees during the next 12 months.
For a donation of £15 the RSA, with its partners, will plant a tree and maintain it until maturity on your behalf.
Friday, August 6
speedflatmating in London! what next?
Now it's speed flatmating By Sam Lyon, Evening Standard You've heard of speed dating. Now welcome to the world of speed flatmating. Anyone who has ever shared a home in the capital will be familiar with the pitfalls of living with a group of complete strangers... The events are being held in different parts of London, so home seekers can meet a string
of people offering rooms in their desired area...
For more info visit speedflatmating.co.uk
Monday, July 26
pPod the chic way to spend a penny in London
Les Francais are waiting for le pissPod
bloggzen - total immersion blogging technology innovation

NYKRIS have launched pPod - the world's first >iPod based interactive audio service.
pPod combines text, spoken word audio, and music to deliver a guide to London's public loos - truly a convenience for iPod users on the move.
Go to the pPod page and download the 7mb file.
pPod is on the BBC
I found this - The Toilet Museum
If you spent all you money on an i-pod to have a nice pee, you will soon be able to stay at Stelios' new venture the easy Hotel. It should be opening soon. It is going to be very basic, quel
surprise! But it is in a nice area of London not far from Harrods (I remember thier loos used to be very nice. Back in the sixties Mum took off her emerald ring to wash her hands and forgot it on the wash basin. She telephoned the night watchman, who kindly went to look and miraculously it was still there).
The easy Hotel has kind of modular rooms, with at least, a double bed, shower and LOO from £5 a night...
Thursday, July 15
Art Galleries, are they scaring away thier victims?
artzen - art culture info expo
francaiszen - la vie
This is a fascinating article from The Art Newspaper that I found on Forbes.
It dicusses how art can be sold outside the confines of galleries and all that they entail. Are Art Galleries Necessary?
"Contemporary art dealers are finding that art fairs and the Internet can replace the hassle and expense of maintaining a full-time gallery". more>>
I also came accross this spot on piece on Jason Calcanis Art Blog, Gallery Rudeness by Caryn Coleman citing an article by Paige West of Art Addict
"Intimidation is a well-known sales tactic, especially in some of the Blue Chip galleries. If you aren't "in the club" (they don't know you and/or you've never purchased anything at the gallery), many galleries won't offer any assistance, even if you ask"...more>>
Too true, the same can be said of some auction houses, estate agents, restaurants, hairdressers, hotels and chic shops. Manners...?
Tuesday, July 13
Pokia....makes the Mayfair phone fun
bloggzen - total immersion blogging technology innovation
This is the new Mayfair model
The retro accessory, now only a series of prototypes made in London by the British designer Nicolas Roope, was inspired by Roope's disdain for trends in cellphones, which seem to have reached a dead end, with metallic and miniature becoming moronic and minuscule...via IHT
Monday, July 12
This is the ideal London Transport, neat site, check out thier links page
londonzen - park life
"We are the designers and makers of the Brompton folding bike. The Brompton is a bike which rides well, is safe, and yet folds easily into a very compact and portable package: other folding bikes have their own character and purpose, but none we feel matches the Brompton's convenience or gives you the same freedom and independence". Brompton Bbicycle
Saturday, July 10
August evening
bookzen - literary reviews
West-Eastern Divan Orchestra
Daniel Barenboim (conductor/piano)
Barbican Concert Hall, London EC2
Wednesday 4 August 2004, 7.30 p.m.
The London Review of Books is delighted to bring the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra under their conductor Daniel Barenboim to the Barbican on 4 August to celebrate the work of Edward Said, who died in September last year.
Wednesday, July 7
The saga of the parrot and the fourposter bed
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Several years ago, whilst in Toulouse to collect a fourposter bed. My partner Alastair went to buy me a puppy as a present, the pet shop didn't have any, so he got 2 Canaries instead. On his way out he heard anguished shrieks coming from the back of the shop. There in the gloom was a red and grey African parrot in a tiny cage on the floor. This was the start of our parrot saga. There wasn't room in the van for the bed, the cages and us. So a friend drove and we took the train back to Provence. It was a night train, the parrot shrieked the whole time. We called him Corot, perhaps subconsciously because "the Corot" had caused much trouble over the years. Anyway, Corot was sad and lonely and needed better quarters; So Richard and Pierrot our friends who just happened to be master welders were commissioned to make a bird palace fit for Corot.
In the mean time we scoured the pet shops for a companion, near Avignon we found "Richard" another red and grey. He had a very poorly friend huddled up next to him, a black Madagascan...we called him "Pierrot". The aviary was splendid, customisable, demountable. Filled with trees and fallen branches, also a mist system. OK so I couldn't resist buying the tropical rainforest tape! (it was played about once, although I am sure I detected a flicker of appreciation from Corot).
They all got along fine, even the canaries. The fencing was of a smaller guage to stop the canaries escaping. Little by little we saw chewed bits, holes. They were repaired. Richard would sit on a tree and sing away to Pierrot as a diversionary tactic while Corot clipped through the wire.
I had a dream about them escaping, that morning I went downstairs and heard people shouting that the birds had gone! The canaries were still there as was poor Pierrot, but Richard and Corot were gone! We all rushed round the garden (the aviary was on the terrace outside the dining room) we caught sight of something red in one of the little pine trees. It was Richard, he didn't want to come down. Alastair finally managed to reach him, Richard grabbed the palm of his hand in his pincer beak, it hurt. So he was safe and sound and back with Pierrot. I am really glad that Corot flew to freedom and wish the others had gone too. A neighbor came to tell us she had seen a red and green parrot in her garden, was it ours. We saw parrots in Avignon, in the trees behind Credit Agricole.
When winter came the cage was dismantled and put up in the living room. This was fine for all, the 4 dogs never bothered the birds, the mice lived on the floor of the cage and ate seeds. One morning Pierrot was dead on the floor. He usually perched on an old wooden ladder. We took him to the vet, who said that we should be able to find out quite easily how he died. He took a big pair of scissors and literally cut him in half! I am very fond of the vet he is the dearest of friends, but he obviously didn't think that we might be feeling a bit sad or upset by poor Pierrots' demise, he was still warmish. He had always picked at his feathers and looked very ragged, his beak was white which made him seem somewhat anaemic too. So there he was, neatly sliced, mirrored, Pat said immediately that it was kidney failure. Well.
Richard was lonely. We could see all this happening again. When Corot arrived we had thought of flying to Africa and setting him free. One day Pat took us to see a client who kept all kinds of birds, including African Greys, so Richard was introduced into the bird place. I heard some time later that he had mated, had children and was happy. Isn't that super. So when I hear of all these news stories about Parrot infestations in England, on Telegraph Hill in San Francisco as Marc Canter wrote about and elsewhere, I am pleased they are free. Maybe one of them is someone's Corot.
P.S. The fourposter was too tall for the bedroom ceiling and so languished in the garage until flooded...which is another story.
I know that by rescuing Corot from the pet shop prison others were ordered to replace him. We must stop this pet trade and the breeding of animals for pets.
World Parrot Trust
EXCELLENCE IN PARROT CONSERVATION AND WELFARE The WPT is campaigning to stop importation of wild caught birds into the European Union. Sign the petition
Please red this about the plight of Parrots.The African Grey Parrot, Psittacus erithacus, has a wide distribution, across the tropical belt of Africa, including the islands of Bioko and PrÃncipe in the Gulf of Guinea. This species is harvested intensively for the pet trade. More>>
Free Parrots.net News and views v.good site, you can join, help.
Harvard biologist Mike Schindlinger introduces you to the parrots he studies, as individuals, as they move through their daily lives - singing, cavorting and playing as they explore their environment; doing chores, like eating, roosting, and caring for young - with an intelligence not dissimilar, in ways, to our own. More>>
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